I've introduced you to the birds who live inside the house, now its time to introduce you to the ones who live outside in an aviary. Sadly I can't introduce you to the canaries separately because there are too many and it's hard photographing them separately as some look the same and some don't even have names!
The Aviary started up when we took on the care of a canary named Joe. He belonged to my grandad before he sadly passed away. My dad got into the idea of building an aviary and so he did! All by himself.

Inside the garage we have a small sleeping area, where they can escape the to if the weather turns bad and of a night time to keep them safe. They are free to go in and out as they please.
In winter we cover the front in bubble wrap to keep the warmth from the two small heaters at each end in.
Outside they have a large flight where they can stretch their wings and exercise however much they like.
Male Quail
Chinese Painted Quail
Also known as the Button Quail
Age Unknown
We have one, lonely male quail who unfortunately starved his two females to death as all he wanted was to mate all the time so we don't think its fair to get more females so he can do it all again. He doesn't have a name nor do I remember how old he is. Though he is quite happy living in the aviary he has plenty of space to roam. He recently hurt his leg and was in the house with cage rest for a couple of weeks until he was all better and he is now back out in the aviary. I doubt we will be getting anymore quails in the future, but you never know when it comes to the future.
Ages Vary
Types/Colours Vary
We now have several canaries living in the aviary, some with names and some without. Some different and some who look the same. Theres not really much to tell you about them so feel free to ask any questions! The only way we can tell the genders of canaries is by the males singing. Male canaries sing and females just tweet. The main reason people buy male canaries is because of their beautiful song. In the summer the garden is full of songs from the canaries and the wild birds, its beautiful. We are lucky to be able to sit out there and enjoy it.
2Years Old
I brought Sunny when my first budgie Milly passed away to keep her mate Charlie company. And because both boys weren't tame we thought they would enjoy life better if they were in the aviary with the canaries, so one day we put them out there and they loved it! Sadly Charlie is no longer with us. One day I was all excited and forgot to shut the outside door before opening the aviary door and then BAM, Charlie, his new partner Belle and Sunny all flew out the aviary, but they all had chicks. Sunny luckily came back to care for his chicks along with Violet his mate but Charlie and Belle never returned. They must of flown far in excitement and couldn't find their way back. I was devastated and then went on to hand rear all of the chicks.
Sunny is a lovely guy and can be cheeky when you are in the aviary. He likes to fly past you really fast so all you see is a yellow blur! He has been a great dad to the two clutches we have had from him. He really did miss Charlie when he had gone, but now he has lots of new friends! Well... they are his chicks but who cares! Company is company and he is enjoying his time with them all.
1 1/2 Years Old
Violet and her sister Belle (who is no longer with us) came to me from my aunt who breeds budgies. I was after two girls to keep my two males company so I went to pick up Violet and her sister. Violet too isn't tame which is fine because she is out in the aviary enjoying her time with the others. She is a proud mum to 10 chicks, between 2 clutches and a proud auntie to another 5 chicks (Belle's). When the above accident happened, Violet was left behind to care for her 5 chicks until Sunny returned and she done an excellent job.
I doubt I will be breeding from my budgies again for a few years yet. This is because I will need breeding cages and birds that aren't related to one another, unlike my flock. But that is ok, I want to keep my current birds happy and healthy before adding anymore to the aviary.
5 Months Old
Harry is son to Charlie and Belle who I lost when he was only around 3 weeks old. Charlie hatched on the 26th March 2011 and looks so similar to his dad, which is why I love him as each time I look at him, brings back memories of his great dad. 2 of his sisters have now gone to a new home however along with himself, his brother and one of his sisters he joined the aviary when they reached around 2 months old. He is quite a large budgie, just like his dad was, I think he is cross between a show budgie and a pet budgie, but more on the 'pet' side. I called him Harry after our Royal Prince Harry because they are both rather handsome!
5 Months Old
Flash is Sunny and Violet's first chick. He hatched on the 28th March 2011 as a little pink alien. He is similar to his dad, though they are very easy to tell apart. Flash got his name when he began to learn to fly, he used to fly past so quickly, one minute he was sitting on the cage the next he was darting around the room at a high speed.
5 Months Old
Lime is brother to Flash and is Sunny and Violet's 4th Chick. He hatched on the 31st March 2011. We named him Lime due to his colouring. When he was a baby he was a very cheeky chappy! But he has never really been 'tame'. He is loving life out in the aviary where he can fly and play all he wants. He tends to stick close by to Flash, you often see them chatting to one another.
5 Months Old
Coconut is sister to Harry and daughter to Charlie and Belle who are no longer with us. Coconut was the 4th chick to hatch from Charlie and Belle's clutch. She hatched on the 30th March 2011. Her name came to us when we named Lime... Lime and the Coconut came into mind! And it stuck! She used to be tame and always fly to me to be fed, but because I was hand feeding so many, most of them lost their tameness as I couldn't possibly do one to one. So the aviary was the best place for them where they can be themselves and enjoy life in each others company.
5 Months Old
Elvis is brother to Harry and Coconut. I call Coconut and Elvis twins as they look alike, the only difference is their gender and Coconut has slightly darker flight feathers. Elvis was the 5th and last chick from Charlie and Belle. He hatched on the 2nd April 2011. Because he was the youngest he always had a special place in my heart. When he was a baby he developed a croaky voice, we don't know why but it seems to have 'healed' and he is back to sounding like a normal budgie.
We recently had a Sparrowhawk go after our aviary, luckily she couldn't get to the birds though she did panic them! Poor Elvis had a blood spot on his head (you can just about see it in the photo above) though all is fine! We don't know how he done it, probably done it by flying around the aviary in panic but it is fully healed and it doesn't seem to be causing him any problems.
2 Months Old
Scarlett is Sunny and Violet's daughter from their 2nd clutch. She hatched on the 13th June 2011. I began hand feeding her and her siblings when she turned 3 weeks old. We named her Scarlett because when she was still in the nest box, her cousin Coconut went into the box and pecked at the chicks, unfortunately Scarlett was one of her victims and was left a little scar above her eye, though I do think it is healing and is being covered over by her new feathers as she molts. While Scarlett was indoors she was kind of like the ring leader for the others, she would behave badly and then teach the others how to do it! She is such a cheeky little monkey! I call her my little madam! She brings us fun and laughter to our lives and to our aviary and I am enjoying having her around.
2 Months Old
Nala is sister to Scarlett. The clutch was made up of 4 girls and 1 boy. 1 of the girls have gone off to a new home the others are now living life in the aviary. Nala hatched 15th June 2011. She looks similar to her big brother Flash, but because of the slight differences and their genders I can easily tell them apart. Nala was the quiet one of the clutch and was such a sweetie, though never really 'tame' but she would tolerate us. It took me a while to find a name which suited her, someone suggested the name Nala and it stuck in my head.
2 Months Old
Iris is sister to Scarlett, Harry and Nala. She hatched around the 19th June 2011. As always the youngest ones seem to find that special place in my heart, even though she loved to bite me when it came to feeding time! She grew out of biting and became a right snuggle bug. Though her name became Iris when we noticed she had something wrong with her eye. She looked to have damaged it so we kept a close eye on it though a few days later it seemed to have gotten all better. I tried to keep her indoors along with Harry and Oddball though my parents wouldn't allow it. So she is now loving the space and company out in the aviary. I still keep a constant watch on her eye, but other than that she is perfectly happy and healthy!
I think that is all for the aviary birds, though I will update if anymore pop up!
Thank you for reading and I do hope you continue to follow my blog!
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